Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht mit Studien, Fachartikeln, Adressen und weiterführenden Informationen zum Thema Hodentumoren.
Protocol SAKK 01/18
Reduced intensity radio-chemotherapy for stage IIA/B seminoma. A multicenter, open label phase II trial with two cohorts
- Abkürzung: SAKK01/18
- Studiennummer: EudraCT No. 2019‐000514‐11
- Setting: Seminome im Stadium IIA/IIB
- Stand: Rekrutierend
Dr. med. Alexandros Papachristofilou
Universitätsspital Basel
Tel.: +41 61 265 49 46
Prof. Dr. med. Jens Bedke
Universitätsklinik Tübingen
Tel.: +49 70 712 98 03 49
Safety and efficacy of high-dose chemotherapy with carboplatin and etoposide for relapsed germ cell tumor patients across all salvage lines – A comprehensive observational cohort study
Registerstudie der German Testicular Cancer Study Group
- Setting: Salvage-Hochdosischemotherapie (inkl. zweite und höhere Linie) bei rezidivierten / refraktären KZT nach primärer Chemotherapie
- Stand: Rekrutierend
PD Dr. med. Christoph Seidel
Hubertus Wald Tumorzentrum
II. Medizinische Klinik
Martinistrasse 52
20246 Hamburg
040 – 7410 53962
Prof. Dr. med. Carsten Bokemeyer
Unversitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Hubertus Wald Tumorzentrum
II. Medizinische Klinik
Martinistr. 52
20246 Hamburg
040 7410 53962
A randomized Phase III trial comparing conventional-dose chemotherapy using paclitaxel, ifosfamide, and cisplatin (TIP) with high-dose chemotherapy using mobilizing paclitaxel plus ifosfamide followed by high-dose carboplatin and etoposide (TI-CE) as first salvage treatment in relapsed and refractory germ cell tumors
- Abkürzung: TIGER
- Studiennummer: identifier: NCT02375204
- Setting: Zweitlinien-chemotherapie bei rezidivierten / refraktären KZT nach primärer Chemotherapie
- Stand: Rekrutierung abgeschlossen
Prof. Dr. med. Anja Lorch
Universitätsspital Zürich
Tel.: +41 43 253 02 50
Prof. Dr. med. Marcus Hentrich
Rotkreuzklinikum München
Tel.: +49 89 1303 43732
Einfluss teratomhaltiger Primärtumoren auf das rezidivfreie und tumorspezifische Überleben metastasierter testikulärer Keimzelltumoren
Nationale Registerstudie innerhalb der German Testicular Cancer Study Group
- Setting: Patienten mit metastasierten Keimzelltumoren (ausser reines Seminom)
- Stand: Rekrutierung abgeschlossen
Prof. Dr. med. Pia Paffenholz
Klinik für Urologie, Uro-Onkologie, roboter-assistierte und spezielle urologische Chirurgie
Uniklinik Köln
Tel.: +49 221 478 82108
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Axel Heidenreich
Universitätsklinikum Köln, Klinik und Poliklinik für Urologie
Kerpener Str. 62
50937 Köln
Tel.: 0221 478 82108
Prof. Dr. med. David Pfister
Klinik für Urologie, Uro-Onkologie, roboter-assistierte und spezielle urologische Chirurgie
Uniklinik Köln
Tel.: +49 221 478 82108
Adra N, Einhorn L.
Testicular cancer update.
Clin Adv Hematol Oncol. 2017;15:386-396. PMID: 28591093
Berger LA, Bokemeyer C, Lorch A, et al.
First salvage treatment in patients with advanced germ cell cancer after cisplatin-based chemotherapy: analysis of a registry of the German Testicular Cancer Study Group (GTCSG).
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2014;140(7):1211-20. doi: 10.1007/s00432-014-1661-z. PMID: 24696231
Beyer J, Albers P, Altena R, et al.
Maintaining success, reducing treatment burden, focussing on survivorship: highlights from the third European Consensus Conference on diagnosis and treatment of germ cell cancer.
Ann Oncol. 2013;24:878-88. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mds579. PMID: 23152360
Beyer J, Collette L, Sauvé N, et al.
Survival and new prognosticators in metastatic seminomas: results from the IGCCCG-Update Consortium.
J Clin Oncol. 2021;39:1553-1562. doi: 10.1200/JCO.20.03292. PMID: 33729863
Cathomas R, Klingbiel D, Bernard B, et al.
Questioning the value of fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography for residual lesions after chemotherapy for metastatic seminoma: results of an international Global Germ Cell Cancer Group registry.
J Clin Oncol. 2018 Oct 4:JCO1800210. doi: 10.1200/JCO.18.00210. PMID: 30285559
Cullen M, Huddart R, Joffe J, et al.
The 111 Study: A single-arm, phase 3 trial evaluating one cycle of bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin as adjuvant chemotherapy in high-risk, stage 1 nonseminomatous or combined germ cell tumours of the testis.
Eur Urol. 2020;77:344-351. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2019.11.022. PMID: 31901440
Dieckmann KP, Radtke A, Geczi L, et al.
Serum Levels of MicroRNA-371a-3p (M371 Test) as a new biomarker of testicular germ cell tumors: results of a prospective multicentric study.
J Clin Oncol. 2019;37(16):1412-1423. doi: 10.1200/JCO.18.01480. PMID: 30875280
EAU guidelines on testicular cancer 2022
1-66 EAU-Guidelines-on-Testicular-Cancer-2022.pdf
Fenner M, Oing C, Dieing A, et al.
Everolimus in patients with multiply relapsed or cisplatin refractory germ cell tumors: results of a phase II, single-arm, open-label multicenter trial (RADIT) of the German Testicular Cancer Study Group.
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2019;145(3):717-723. doi: 10.1007/s00432-018-2752-z. PMID: 30232558
Fischer S, Tandstad T, Cohn-Cedermark G, et al.
Outcome of men with relapses after adjuvant bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin for clinical stage I nonseminoma.
J Clin Oncol. 2020;38(12):1322-1331. doi: 10.1200/JCO.19.01876. PMID: 31877087
Gillessen S, Sauvé N, Collette L, et al.
Predicting outcomes in men with metastatic nonseminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCT): results from the IGCCCG Update Consortium. J Clin Oncol. 2021;39:1563-1574. doi: 10.1200/JCO.20.03296. PMID: 33822655
Heinzelbecker J, Schmidt S, Lackner J, et al.
Therapy of clinical stage IIA and IIB seminoma: a systematic review
World J Urol. 2021 Nov 15. Doi: 10.1007/s00345-021-03873-5. PMID: 34779882
Hentrich MU, Bower M, Daugaard G, et al.
Outcomes of men with HIV and germ cell cancer: results from an international collaborative study.
Cancer. 2022;128(2):260-268. doi: 10.1002/cncr.33928. PMID: 34592009
Honecker F, Aparicio J, Berny D, et al.
ESMO Consensus Conference on testicular germ cell cancer: diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.
Ann Oncol. 2018;29:1658-1686. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdy217. PMID: 30113631
International Germ Cell Cancer Collaborative Group
International Germ Cell Consensus Classification: a prognostic factor-based staging system for metastatic germ cell cancer.
J Clin Oncol. 1997;15:594-603. doi: 10.1200/JCO.1997.15.2.594. PMID: 9053482
International Prognostic Factors Study Group, Lorch A, Beyer J, Bascoul-Mollevi C, Kramar A, Einhorn LH et al.
Prognostic factors in patients with metastatic germ cell tumors who experienced treatment failure with cisplatin-based first line chemotherapy.
J Clin Oncol. 2010; 28:4906-4911. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2009.26.8128. PMID: 20956623
Kliesch S, Schmidt S, Wilborn D, et al.
Management of germ cell tumours of the testis in adult patients. German clinical practice guideline part I: epidemiology, classification, diagnosis, prognosis, fertility preservation, and treatment recommendations for localized stages.
Urol Int. 2021;105(3-4):169-180. doi: 10.1159/000510407. PMID: 33412555
Kliesch S, Schmidt S, Wilborn D, et al.
Management of germ cell tumours of the testes in adult patients: german clinical practice guideline, part II – recommendations for the treatment of advanced, recurrent, and refractory disease and extragonadal and sex Cord/stromal tumours and for the management of follow-up, toxicity, quality of life, palliative care, and supportive therapy.
Urol Int. 2021;105(3-4):181-191. doi: 10.1159/000511245. PMID: 33486494
Kollmannsberger C, Tandstad T, Bedard PL, et al.
Patterns of relapse in patients with clinical stage I testicular cancer managed with active surveillance.
J Clin Oncol. 2015;33:51-57. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2014.56.2116. PMID: 25135991
Oing C, Oechsle K, Necchi A, et al.
Impact of primary metastatic bone disease in germ cell tumors: results of an International Global Germ Cell Tumor Collaborative Group G3 Registry Study.
Ann Oncol 2017;28(3):576-582. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdw648. PMID: 27993806
Oing C, Lorch A.
The role of salvage high-dose chemotherapy in relapsed male germ cell tumors.
Oncol Res Treat. 2018;41(6):365-369. doi: 10.1159/000489135. PMID: 29843143
Oing C, Giannatempo P, Honecker F, et al.
Palliative treatment of germ cell cancer.
Cancer Treat Rev. 2018;71:102-107. doi: 10.1016/j.ctrv.2018.10.007. PMID: 30415106
Oing C, Hentrich M, Lorch A, et al.
Treatment of refractory germ-cell tumours with single-agent cabazitaxel: a German Testicular Cancer Study Group case series.
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2020;146(2):449-455. doi: 10.1007/s00432-019-03071-2. PMID: 31838576
Pfister D, Oechsle K, Schmidt S, et al.
First-line salvage treatment options for germ cell tumor patients failing stage-adapted primary treatment : A comprehensive review compiled by the German Testicular Cancer Study Group.
World J Urol. 2022 Feb 28. doi: 10.1007/s00345-022-03959-8. PMID: 35226138
S3-Leitlinie Diagnostik, Therapie und Nachsorge der Keimzelltumoren des Hodens
Langversion 1.1 – Februar 2020 AWMF-Registernummer: 043/049OL (Download )
Seidel C, Oechsle K, Lorch A, et al.
Efficacy and safety of gemcitabine, oxaliplatin, and paclitaxel in cisplatin-refractory germ cell cancer in routine care–Registry data from an outcomes research project of the German Testicular Cancer Study Group.
Urol Oncol. 2016 Apr;34(4):167.e21-8. doi: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2015.11.007. PMID: 26699830
Seidel C, Daugaard G, Tryakin A, et al.
>Intermediate prognosis in metastatic germ cell tumours-outcome and prognostic factors.
Eur J Cancer. 2018;94:16-25. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2018.01.113. PMID: 29505967
Seidel C, Daugaard G, Tryakin A, et al.
The prognostic impact of different tumor marker levels in nonseminomatous germ cell tumor patients with intermediate prognosis: A registry of the International Global Germ Cell Tumor Collaborative Group (G3).
Urol Oncol. 2019;37(11):809.e19-809.e25. doi: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2019.07.020. PMID: 31494007
Seidel C, Daugaard G, Nestler T, et al.
The prognostic significance of lactate dehydrogenase levels in seminoma patients with advanced disease: an analysis by the Global Germ Cell Tumor Collaborative Group (G3).
World J Urol. 2021;39(9):3407-3414. doi: 10.1007/s00345-021-03635-3. PMID: 33683412
Seidel C, Hentrich M, Zschäbitz S, et al.
Peritoneal carcinosis in male germ cell tumor patients: a registry study compiled by the German Testicular Cancer Study Group (GTCSG).
World J Urol. 2022;40(2):355-361. doi: 10.1007/s00345-021-03905-0. PMID: 34993564

Über unsere interaktive Suche finden Sie Mitglieder der interdisziplinären Arbeitsgruppe Hodentumoren in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz in den Bereichen Strahlentherapie, Onkologie, Radiologie und Pathologie.
Die Deutsche Hodentumorstudiengruppe (GTCSG) hat das Ziel, flächendeckend in Deutschland optimale Behandlungsergebnisse zu erreichen.
Aus diesem Grund wurde ein Zweitmeinungsnetzwerk / eKonsil eingerichtet, das dem behandelnden Arzt ermöglicht, kostenfrei über das Internet bei Hodentumorspezialisten rasch eine Zweitmeinung einzuholen.